Sono Bello Ambassador Smiling After Results

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get Labor Day Savings on All Body Contouring Procedures

Meet Our #SB100K Winner: Beverly

We all have excuses we turn to when we want to justify our unhealthy habits. Whether it’s being too tired to exercise or too overwhelmed to cook a healthy meal, we’ve all been there.

Our #SB100K grand prize winner had every excuse (and then some) to let her health take a back seat. Instead of letting some truly terrible life circumstances bring her down, Beverly decided to take charge and live her life to the fullest. This is her incredibly inspirational story.

When Beverly’s step son was diagnosed with a terminal illness, she began a very stressful period of her life. She was overweight, not eating well, tired all of the time, and unhappy with herself. In the face of all of this stress, Beverly decided she needed to make a change.

While managing her step son’s care, holding down a full time job, and taking care of a teenager at home, Beverly began her weight loss journey. She wanted to lose weight and get healthy to show her step son that he had inspired her to live a better life.

I wanted to show him that I can do this and be what I always wanted to be.”

Beverly made time to take better care of herself and also reached out to Sono Bello. By the time she came through our doors she had already lost nearly 70 pounds! After her Sono Bello procedures and through continuing hard work and dedication, Beverly ultimately lost 100 pounds, and her step son was able to see how far she had come.

Tragically, Beverly’s step son passed away in March of this year. She says that his passing gave her the courage live her dreams. She realized that she didn’t have to accept things the way they were. She could be healthier, happier, and live a fuller life.

“I couldn’t change his outcome, but I could change mine.”

We’re so honored to feature Beverly as our sweepstakes winner. We hope that her story inspires you to take charge of your own life, no matter what the circumstances are or what life throws at you.


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