Sono Bello Ambassador Smiling After Results

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Blog / Patient Journeys

Susan Obtained the Body She Always Wanted

Individual results may vary. Images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

As a Sono Bello partner, Susan was in the unique position of having worked with Sono Bello professionally for years. At her job, she’s seen firsthand how we’ve been able to help people achieve their ideal bodies and live their lives beautifully. 

She says, “Working with Sono Bello I have had a chance to watch and see all of the amazing work they have done for people and how they have changed their lives.” 

So, she finally decided that it was time to take advantage of our services for herself! 

Beginning her self-improvement journey

Before this year, Susan had never seriously considered liposuction. She was happy enough with her weight and managed to stay in pretty good physical shape. But, as with anything else in life, there’s always room for improvement. Given the advances in surgical technology and techniques, Susan realized there was a lot Sono Bello could offer to make her body even better.  

And she was absolutely right.  

The more Susan thought about it, she says, “I began to realize that there are things about my body that no matter how hard I try I cannot change on my own. Seeing how many women loved what Sono Bello had done for them, how could I not be interested?”   

This insight was key. Susan began to see liposuction as a way to address the problem areas on her body that she couldn’t eliminate on her own. It wasn’t about totally changing her body, it was about refining and sculpting it to look its best.  

Susan says, “As a woman, I dye my hair, I have acrylic nails, I get waxed, I have tattoos and piercings, all of these are choices and body modifications. With Sono Bello, there is a way to get rid of fat that I have been carrying around my whole life! They could give me a figure I could never attain on my own and boost my confidence.” 

Why Sono Bello? 

The answer to this may seem obvious. Susan was already intimately familiar with our company before deciding to get the surgery. However, Susan’s reasoning for choosing Sono Bello went beyond the fact that she works with us. She says, “I wholeheartedly believe in Sono Bello. Not only as a lipo company but as an organization that is offering a way for the average woman to obtain a body she has always wanted.” 

About the Surgery 

Susan got our AbEX surgery, a full abdominal sculpting procedure that removes belly fat and smooths out the excess skin for toned results. The operation utilizes micro-liposuction technology and advanced skin removal. Since Susan’s main problem area was her belly, this was the best option for her to slim down and flatten her abdomen. 

Life after lipo 

Susan’s surgery went perfectly, and her results are already looking fantastic! Since her operation, Susan says that her confidence has skyrocketed, and she can’t wait for the weather to warm up so she can go and show off her new body. She’s looking forward to participating in “all of the same activities that I enjoy now but with some more confidence. I am looking forward to being able to shop for clothes that don’t strategically hide my belly.” 

As a cancer survivor living with MS, Susan knows more than most people about overcoming adversity and living life to the fullest. She’s a beautiful, talented woman and we’re happy that we were able to give her the body that she’s always dreamed of. She absolutely deserves it, and we can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next.  

If Susan’s story inspired you to begin your own Sono Bello journey, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation with our expert patient education team today. When it comes to your health and happiness, you deserve the best.  

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Sono Bello liposuction patient posing in front of orange background
Sono Bello liposuction patient posing in front of orange background

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